How to Accept Referrals
When an Agency makes a referral, you will receive a notification of it on your foodbank dashboard. You can then choose whether to accept or reject any referrals that are sent through to you.
1. Navigate to
2. Click the “dashboard”
3. When you have a new referral, you will see a notification appear on the bell icon at the top of the screen. Click here.
4. You will see any new referrals in the list of Notifications. You can access the family record by clicking on the link here in the notification.
5. This will take you directly to the family record. You can see any information about them, including the Agency or person who has referred them.
6. To reject the referral, click the Reject Family button.
7. To accept the referral, click the Accept Family button at the bottom of the record.
8. Click “Yes” to confirm.