How do I update or delete your app?
Updates will be available directly through the Play Store or Apple Store. You can delete the…
How do I contact you for feedback or suggestions?
You can contact us at support@datadevelopments.co.uk or use the Suggestion Box option when logged into www.myfoodbank.online.
How do I contact you for help or support?
You can visit our support page here which contains help articles for various different areas of…
How do you protect my privacy and data security?
You can read more about how we protect your personal data here. You can also try…
What are the terms and conditions of using your app?
You can read our terms and conditions here.
How do I download and install MyFoodbank.Online?
The MyFoodbank.Online app is available to download on the Play Store and Apple Store. To access…
How do I create an account and log in to your app?
The MyFoodbank.Online app is for Volunteer and Donor accounts. You will be able to sign up…
What are the benefits of using MyFoodbank.Online?
MyFoodbank.Online helps foodbanks improve their efficiency and transparency by managing the following all in one place:…
In Myfoodbank.Online, rather than using the default individual stock item setting, you can instead use our 'Categories' section.
Getting Started
Take a look at our set up guides to get you started with the My Foodbank Online.
We hold regular webinars demonstrating the system, click to view our upcoming and past webinars.